Our gardens celebrate people and plants. They are first about you and your goals and designed to connect your inside and outside world. We want to help you know and care for your plants, the animal and pollinator communities that they support and their role in supporting us. As a caretaker for a garden you have an opportunity to sustain and rebuild an evolving natural system that needs our help, today more than ever.


Our gardens celebrate people and plants. They are first about you and your goals and designed to connect your inside and outside world. We want to help you know and care for your plants, the animal and pollinator communities that they support and their role in supporting us. As a caretaker for a garden you have an opportunity to sustain and rebuild an evolving natural system that needs our help, today more than ever.

The Nature Principle, Human Restoration and the End of Nature Deficit Disorder, a book by Richard Louv is a compelling synthesis of the work of a large number of people that have been focused on understanding our attachment to nature and the living world. He (and many of the people he introduces) suggest that there are qualities in nature that when experienced on a daily basis will improve human well-being and when we make this possible we also begin to facilitate a more sustainable world.
Numen, The Healing Power of Plants is an inspiring presentation of plants as healers. As herbalists have long known, locally grown whole plants have the capacity to heal us and our environment in deep and profound ways. The website includes clips from their award winning film and a compelling narrative.
Plants for a Future Database grew out of the work of Ken and Addy Fern in Cornwall, England. It is an excellently referenced and well-designed database of temperate climate plants with a priority on the food, medicinal and other economic uses of plants.

Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases

Restorative Commons: Creating Health and Well-being through Urban Landscapes, a joint book project of Meristem and the USFS presents numerous case studies and thought pieces from practioners and visionaries exploring the multifaceted relationship between human health and the urban environment. 

The Therapeutic Landscapes Network brings together a diversity of information and resources around landscapes and gardens that promote health and well-being.
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